Learning objectives
Link to RCP Stroke Guidelines 2016
Immediate Management Suspected Acute Stroke
- Admit directly to a HASU and be assessed for emergency stroke treatments by a specialist physician without delay.
- Suspected acute stroke should receive brain imaging urgently and at most within 1 hour of arrival at hospital.
- Interpretation of acute stroke imaging for thrombolysis decisions should only be made by healthcare professionals who have received appropriate training.
- Patients with Ischaemic stroke who are eligible for endovascular therapy should have a CTA from aortic arch to skull vertex immediately. This should not delay the administration of IV thrombolysis.
- MRI with stroke-specific sequences (DWI imaging, T2*) should be performed in patients with suspected acute stroke when there is diagnostic uncertainty.
Airways Breathing Circulation
- Acute hospitals receiving medical admissions that include people with suspected stroke should have arrangements to admit them directly to a hyperacute stroke unit on site or at a neighbouring hospital, to monitor and regulate basic physiological functions such as neurological status, blood glucose, oxygenation, and blood pressure.
- Patients with acute stroke should only receive supplemental oxygen if their oxygen saturation is below 95% and there is no contraindication.
Diagnostic tests in suspected Acute Stroke
- Suspected acute stroke should receive brain imaging urgently and at most within 1 hour of arrival at hospital.
- Interpretation of acute stroke imaging for thrombolysis decisions should only be made by healthcare professionals who have received appropriate training.
- Patients with Ischaemic stroke who are eligible for endovascular therapy should have a CTA from aortic arch to skull vertex immediately. This should not delay the administration of IV thrombolysis.
- MRI with stroke-specific sequences (DWI imaging, T2*) should be performed in patients with suspected acute stroke when there is diagnostic uncertainty.
- Recurrent seizures after stroke should be treated in a manner similar to when they occur with other acute neurological conditions, and anti-seizure drugs should be selected based upon specific patient characteristics.
- Prophylactic use of anti-seizure drugs is not recommended.